Patron Behavior Policy
The mission of the Schulenburg Public Library is to provide free and unrestricted access to informational, educational, cultural and recreational library materials and services in a clean, comfortable, secure environment for people of all ages.
To enable the library to fulfill its mission, library patrons are asked to respect and follow the requirements noted below. Patrons who violate the Behavior Policy will receive a warning that they are in violation of the Policy, and if the violations are repeated instances or of a serious nature, patrons may be asked to leave the Library building and premises. Habitual offenders may lose Library privileges for a period of time, or in egregious cases, permanently.
Disruptive behavior generally includes any patron behavior that interferes with the normal operation of the library or which unreasonably interferes with another patron's ability to use and enjoy the Library. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The Library staff reserves the right to determine in its professional discretion whether particular behavior is disruptive to the operation and use of the Library. The following list of disruptive behaviors is used for illustrative purposes only, and is not comprehensive:
• Illegal acts
• Sexual harassment or misconduct
• Stealing or vandalizing library property
• Loitering on the Library premises
• Running, shouting, loud talking, pushing, threatening or harassing behavior
• Playing audio equipment loud enough to disturb others
• Loud Cell telephone ringing and/or conversations
• Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol, other inappropriate materials
• Smoking or use of any tobacco product in Library
• Soliciting of any kind and/or asking for signatures on petitions
• Blocking of aisles or entrances of the library
• Possession of weapons or tools that may be used as weapons
• Monopolizing library resources or staff time
• Eating or drinking within the library unless at authorized library events
• Discourtesy to other library Patrons or the Library Staff
• Adults sitting in either the children or teen's rooms, when not present to assist their children/teens or when not present to select materials
• Misuse of the internet: no on line bullying will be allowed
While visiting the library, Patrons are required to:
• Respect other library users and their privacy at all times
• Wear appropriate attire, including shoes and shirts (no wet clothes or bathing suits)
• Not present an odor nuisance
• Not bring animals into the library, other than service animals-nor leave unattended animals outside on the library's premises
• Ask permission to use library telephones (Note: Use of the Library's phones is limited to emergencies and requests for transportation. The Library staff will make the calls for the patron.)
• Use library furniture, materials, equipment and facilities for their intended purposes and in a manner that does not cause any damage to them
• Take care of their own possessions, the library will not be responsible for patrons' items
• Follow the Library's policies
Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers* responsibilities:
• Persons 17 years old or younger are defined as 'children' for the purposes of this Policy.
• Parents or legal guardians, whether present in the library or not, are solely responsible for their children's behavior, safety and welfare, at all times while the children are on the Library premises.
• Parents or legal guardians are responsible for any damages to library property caused, in whole or in part, by their children, regardless of the children's age.
• Children under the age of eight years must be accompanied by a parent, a legal guardian, or a Caregiver, at all times while the children are on Library premises.
• Parents, Legal Guardians or Caregivers are responsible at all times for maintaining control over their children's behavior on Library premises.
• Parents, Legal Guardians or Caregivers accompanying children (eight years or younger) must at all times stay within a reasonable distance (within eyesight) of their children.
• Parents, Legal Guardians or Caregivers are responsible for having their children, 16 years of age or younger, picked up from the Library by the time the Library closes. Library hours are Mon 10-8, Tue-Fri 10-6, and Saturdays 9-12. If children in this age group are not picked up from the Library by closing, the Library staff may contact the Schulenburg Police Department. The Police department will call Child Protective Services. Neither the City, the Police Department nor the Library are responsible for or liable for the safety or welfare of children who are left on the Library premises after closing.
• It is the parent’s responsibility to know where their child is.
*If a parent designates a 'Caregiver'* to accompany a child eight years or younger, to the library in the parent's absence, the Caregiver* must be at least 14 years of age and must demonstrate maturity and competence to care for and control the children left in their care, while in the library.
***Patron library privileges may be limited at the discretion of the Library Director.