Bulletin Board Policy
A bulletin board is provided by the Schulenburg Public Library as a community service to publicize local groups, meetings. Cultural events, non-partisan political groups, fundraising events for nonprofit organizations, educational opportunities (Educational or instructional opportunities may be posted, regardless of whether they are of a for-profit or nonprofit nature), or other services that are of a nonprofit, non-self supporting nature.
The library’s bulletin boards and display areas are designed and intended to directly aid and supplement the primary activities of the library and the City of Schulenburg. All library and/or City activities will take precedence over non-library activities, publications or displays.
Personal ads and campaign literature may not be posted.
Items may be rejected for lack of space.
The items will be removed after two weeks, when they are no longer timely or when space is required for more current items.
Exhibits in the library are seen by all who enter the building both children and adults.
Members of the public are not permitted to post notices. Only authorized library personnel may post notices on the library bulletin board. Any notice to be considered for posting must be submitted to Library Management for approval.
Notices posted without authorization will be removed.
Notice size (physical dimensions) can be restricted if deemed necessary to maximize available space.
The library does not necessarily advocate or endorse the viewpoints of organizations permitted to post notices on the Library bulletin board. The Library accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any item accepted for posting. All posted items are discarded after they are removed.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in denial of future posting privileges.