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Schulenburg Public Library

Library News and Announcements

The latest news from your local library

The Schulenburg Public Library received a $10,000 Tocker grant from the Tocker Foundation.

Dear Parents or Guardians, “Adventure Begins at Your Library” is the 2024 Summer Reading program theme. Activities will include a Dinosaur Show, Live Animals including a baby kangaroo, puppet show, an amazing high-flying dog performance, music and more. The purpose of this program is to encourage the youth of our community to check out books from the Schulenburg Public Library. The 2024 Summer Reading Program is for the following age groups: Read To Me (infant to 4 years old) A parent or guardian is required to read 15 books to their child. Age 5-9 The child is required to read 15 books. Age 10-12 The child is required to read 10 chapter books. Families are invited to join the 2024 Texas Reading Program! By doing so, you will help your child retain hard-earned reading skills acquired during the school year. Parents should bring their child and or children to check out books form the Schulenburg Public Library. Parents or guardians must signup their child for the Summer Reading Program. ONLY BOOKS from the Schulenburg Public Library can be recorded on the child’s reading log. The books are TO BE TAKEN HOME to be read and brought back. Parents may sign their child or children up after reading their books they checked out from the library. The Reading program begins on June 3, 2024 and will end on July 25, 2024. The library has much more to offer. Come and see. You can contact the library at (979) 743-3345 for a schedule of planned events. Contact people are Cindy Lytel and Donna Houlb. Joining the library is FREE and ALL PROGRAMS ARE FREE OF CHARGE.

The Tocker Foundation awarded a $5,000 grant to the Schulenburg Public Library. The Tocker Foundation promotes Texas public libraries in communities of 12,000 or less. Grant applications are reviewed by a permanent committee of librarians appointed by the Texas Library Association. This grant brings the cumulative grant support to the Schulenburg Public Library to a total of $91,580.

Learn about Ebooks by viewing a SimplyE video.

The Schulenburg Library Foundation Inc. received a $1,500.00 Grant from the Texas Women's League to purchase books for the Schulenburg Public Library. We would like to thank this awesome group of women from LaGrange Texas.

Children and Teens are invited to participate in the Schulenburg Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. “Imagine Your Story!” is the 2020 Summer Reading Program theme. Due to the Covid19 virus, the summer reading program will be on-line and with traditional books.

Readers of all ages will explore all things Scientific this summer as the Schulenburg Public Library presents “A Universe of Stories” during its Summer Library Reading Program.  The library activities will include a marionette show, reptiles, live animals, puppet shows, and much more.  The purpose of the Summer Reading Program is to encourage youth of our community to check out books from the Schulenburg Public Library.

The Tocker Foundation Awards a $5,000 collection development grant to The Schulenburg Library Friends Foundation Inc.