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Schulenburg Public Library
2020 Summer Reading Program “Imagine Your Story!” ON-LINE

2020 Summer Reading Program “Imagine Your Story!” ON-LINE

Children and Teens are invited to participate in the Schulenburg Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. “Imagine Your Story!” is the 2020 Summer Reading Program theme. Due to the Covid19 virus, the summer reading program will be on-line and with traditional books.

Children and Teens are invited to participate in the Schulenburg Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. “Imagine Your Story!” is the 2020 Summer Reading Program theme.  Due to the Covid19 virus, the summer reading program will be on-line and with traditional books..  To register for the Summer Reading program, please call the Schulenburg Public Library 979 743 3345 to arrange for a time to pick up the official reading log.  The purpose of the Summer Reading Program is to encourage the youth of our community to check out e-books from the Schulenburg Public Library and to maintain reading levels that children have achieved during the school year.  Research has shown that children must read during the summer to maintain their reading level.

Families are encouraged to join the 2020 Reading Program, “Imagine Your Story!”  The reading program will begin on June 1 and end on August 14 ,2020.

Please pick up the reading logs at the Schulenburg Public Library.  The reading logs will not be returned this year, because there will be no Summer Reading Program party or prizes.

 The 2020 Summer Reading program is for the following age groups:

Read-to-Me       Infants to 4 years old, where a parent, grandparent, or guardian     

                           reads 15 picture books to their child.

Age 5-9              Children read 15 picture books.

Age 10-12          Children read 10 chapter books.   

Age 13-18          Teens will read 5 youth fiction books

Tuesday, May 26 pickup of the Summer Reading logs begins. Call the library from 10AM to 5PM  to reserve a time to pick up your reading logs.

The Reading Program begins on June 1 and ends August 14, 2020.  If you have any questions, please contact the library at 979 743 3345.