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Schulenburg Public Library

Conference Room Policy

The Conference Room Policy establishes general guidelines and procedures for the use of the Library’s conference room.  The Library Director or his appointee is responsible for implementing this Policy and for maintaining reservation lists.  While these guidelines and procedures are intended to be comprehensive, other guidelines and rules may be identified and enforced, on a case-by-case basis, as the Library Director deems necessary under specific circumstances, as they may arise.  The City of Schulenburg reserves the right to revise this Policy, as it deems necessary from time to time.  Contact 743 -3345 for more information.

Use of library meeting rooms by any group signifies acceptance of the terms of this policy.


1.    The Conference Room is designed to meet general informational, educational,
cultural, and civic needs including activities such as discussion groups, panels, lectures, conferences, seminars, exhibits, displays, story times, puppet shows, and films.
2.    There is a charge of $30 for conference room use.
3.    Use of the room does not constitute Library or City of Schulenburg endorsement of materials, opinions, or viewpoints of attendees or participants.
4.    All activities held in the room must be open to everyone, unless state law provides otherwise.
5.    Solicitation, admission or other charges, money raising activities, and/or sales are not allowed.  This guideline is waived for all library related programs or library fund raising activities.
6.    The conference room may not be used for social gatherings such as showers, birthday parties, dances, family reunions, etc.
7.    The room may not be used for religious services or political campaigns.
8.    The conference room is closed on Sunday, official Schulenburg city holidays and other designated dates.
9.    City or library needs may preempt any other scheduled event.
10.    Smoking, tobacco products, alcohol beverages and pets are not allowed.


Requests for reservations will be honored on a first-come, first served basis.

1.    Reservations are accepted up to six months in advance.  Only one reservation can be submitted at a time.  Library or library related groups or City employees can reserve a conference room for more than one month at a time.
2.    To provide an opportunity for all groups to use the conference room, a group may use the room only once a month.  The Director must approve exceptions to this rule in advance.
3.    Notice of cancellation should be made as soon as possible.


1.    Organizations and their representatives are responsible for their own set-up        
and cleaning of the room.  (Chairs are available, but no set-up or take-down will be provided by the Library).

2.    Please leave the room as you find it.   A diagram will be provided.
3.    Furniture and/or equipment from the main area of the library may not be brought into the conference room.
4.    Personal furniture/equipment may be provided by a group with prior approval brought in at time of use.
5.    The Library and city will not be responsible for materials, equipment, supplies or the personal effect of those using the conference room.
6.    Keep all exits unlocked at all times.
7.    Public entrances are to be used for entrance and exit from the building and for all deliveries.
8.    No announcements to publicize an activity may be posted or distributed without prior approval from the Library Director.
9.    Simple refreshments including coffee, pastries or box lunches may be served, and kitchen facilities are available for limited use.  Kitchen must be cleaned thoroughly when used, including sink and counters.
10.    All trash resulting from the serving of refreshments must be removed by the organization and thrown in the outside trash can.
11.    The individual making the reservation, as well as the group as a whole, will be held responsible for any and all damages and losses that may occur as a result of the use of the conference room. 
12.    Permission to use the room will be withheld from groups failing to comply with the Conference Room Policy and from any group that damages the room, carpet, equipment, or furniture or causes a disturbance.
13.    The Library Director, or his appointee, shall have the authority to end meetings and/or clear/close the room, as he deems necessary, to protect the health, safety and welfare of individuals and property, and to maintain proper use of the facilities.
14.    If using library after normal hours please turn off lights, lock door and drop key into book drop slot.
15.    The conference room will be inspected after your function, or the next morning.